Onsite wastewater system design has never been easier.
Wedotanks.com® wastewater treatment plant design engineers work will work with you or your design consultant to construct almost any type wastewater treatment processing tanks including. BUY NOW Free Trial of SassProv2 Software. Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plant. Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Plant. Build Your Own WWTP. There was a time, not so long ago, when just about everyone was using spreadsheets as a tool for designing and managing their WWTP. Twenty years ago, the more sophisticated CAE (computer-aided engineering) tools for designing and optimizing wastewater treatment plants were expensive, difficult to use and almost exclusively used by universities and research centres. BioWin is used world-wide to design, upgrade, and optimize wastewater treatment plants of all types. The core of BioWin is the proprietary biological model which is supplemented with other process models (e.g. Water chemistry models for calculation of pH, mass transfer models for oxygen modelling and other gas-liquid interactions).
Septic Edge is a revolutionary design and planning software tool used by wastewater design and planning professionals to rapidly design and draw residential septic systems.
Engineers, sanitarians, installers, permit agencies and regulators all benefit from the speed that SepticEdge provides.
Design your system and complete your plans, specifications, and calculations on-site in less than an hour.
Draw Scaled Site Plans
Create a scale drawing with an easy to use graphic interface. No CAD required.
Drainfield & Tank Sizing
Rapidly determine site specific drainfield and tank sizes
Mobile friendly
Use your smartphone to take surveys and design entire system
Install SepticEdge on your handheld device for site visits
Walk the site with client and builder. Input topo, soil and other specific site characteristics
Automatically calculate tank and drainfield sizes and locations. Adjust as necessary
Establish the location of the house and house drain. Stake general locations of tanks and drainfield to alert others to not disturb the soil
Print the site plan, details, calculations and permit information on your portable printer
Leave your results in a watertight container attached to a tree or post for the builder, installer and inspector
Electronically submit plans and calculations to the permit agency
- Establish and retain local variables & standards
- Input and retain local supplier information – tanks, pumps, pipes
- Input specific project names and addresses and other information
- Conduct a preliminary site evaluation from the office or field
- Conduct on-site design
- Print site plan, details and other information
- Streamline permit submittal. Save the information and submit for permit
First beta test users will receive early access and exclusive rates
By Laura Martin
With a multitude of new technologies and tools coming to the market each year, it can be hard for water industry professionals to decide what they need.
But there is one tool that every wastewater and water treatment operator, engineer, and facility manager should have — and it’s small enough to fit in your pocket. Smartphones, when programmed with the right apps, can serve important functions at wastewater and water treatment facilities. These 10 apps make it easier to do everything from calculating chemical dosages to installing the right size sewage pipes. (See also: '10 (More) Apps For Water And Wastewater Professionals')
Developer: The Missouri Rural Water Association
Platforms: Android 2.0.1 and up
Cost: Free
Heavy rain or storm events can sometimes catch a wastewater facility off guard, leading to sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and combined sewer overflows (CSOs). This inflow calculator app makes it easy for the operator to estimate just how much the expected rainfall will impact their facility. Simply enter the drainage area in square feet and the rainfall amount in inches, and the app estimates the inflow into the sewer from rainfall in gallons. The app also includes a companion exceedence calculator, which uses the facility design flow in gallons per day (GDP), the facility average dry weather flow in GDP, and the sum of all estimated added inflow (determined in the inflow calculator) to estimate the flow exceeding design flow in GDP.
Developer: Multieducator Inc.
Platforms: iPhone or iPad
Cost: $4.99
This one-stop app for engineers contains over 200 specialized formulas and 600 conversion formulas commonly used by water and wastewater management professionals. The formulas can be used for facility operations, sewer pipeline, sewage treatment, sludge, stormwater runoff, water flow, and more.
Wwtp Design software, free downloads
Developer: The Missouri Rural Water Association
Platforms: Android or Apple devices 2.0 and up
Cost: Free
The ability to determine the correct chemical dosages is essential for a water treatment specialist. This app assists with all the basic calculations needed to make necessary changes in treatment including dosage using dry chemicals, liquid chemicals, and chlorine gas. It also includes a specific gravity calculator and a solution strength mix calculator to further assist the water operator.
Developer: THInc.
Platforms: Android 2.2 and up
Cost: Free
This basic app is designed to calculate and record mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), return activated sludge (RAS), and waste activated sludge (WAS) for water reclamation/wastewater treatment facilities. The app allows the user to simply shake the device to clear.
Developer: Transparent Blue
Platforms: Requires Android 1.6 and up
Cost: $1.89
This app is designed for those involved in building or maintaining sewer infrastructure. The app uses “The Manning Equation” to calculate the necessary pipe diameter and slope for a given project. The user inputs the desired flow, length, initial ground elevation, and final ground elevation, and the app uses this data to calculate the slope, diameter, depth, and tractive force needed. The user has the option of working in U.S. units or SI units.
Developer: Wateropolis Inc.
Platforms: iOS 4.3 or later or iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Cost: Free, some features require additional cost
A group of seasoned water treatment professionals with over 20 years of experience got together to create this app, designed for the water plant operator. The app features a variety of formulas, convertors, and look-up tables that make the day-day job of operating a water treatment plant simpler. Calculators include volume conversion, flow conversion, pressure conversion, tank capacity estimator, tank media calculator, liquid feed rate, solid chemical dosing, and more. An email feature is available to share data with colleagues or save for later use.
Wwtp Design Software Free Online
Developer: Envirogen Group
Platforms: Android 2.3.3 and up
Cost: Free
Designed for the water treatment service engineer, this app calculates softener sizing, reverse osmosis performance and normalization, and silt density (fouling) index. It is currently set up for UK units, but the app will soon be developed to include additional calculations, conversions, and unit systems.
Developer: G-Ware
Platforms: Android 1.5 and up
Cost: $.99
Keep track of critical tank levels with this app. Simply input starting levels and feed rate, and the app will calculate the current tank level every 60 seconds. The app is designed to monitor a variety of chemicals including peroxide, caustic soda, fluoride, hypochlorite, sulfuric acid, and ethylene, and will display both starting level and current level for each substance. A low level alert will appear when any tank is at or below low level setpoint and allow the user to update the levels when a tank is filled. The app can be used to monitor multiple tanks. Each tank’s level can be emailed to anyone directly from the app. Designed for large and small water and wastewater treatment plants.
Developer: Sensorex
Platforms: IOS, Android version is coming soon
Cost: App is free
This app turns smart devices into pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), conductivity/ total dissolved solids (TDS), and temperature measuring meters that not only measure, but also communicate collected data via instant and error-free email. Users can simply plug the SAM-1 into the audio jack of their smartphone or tablet then plug in the smart sensor to take accurate readings. Samples can be measured in the lab, field, or plant and the readings can be shared via email.
Developer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Platforms: iOS 4.3 or later
Cost: Free
Not sure what product will do the job? This app makes it easy to find the product that matches each individual application need, including pure water analysis, power plant water analysis, drinking water analysis, wastewater analysis, pulp and paper manufacturing, and general processing.
These 10 apps are just a sampling of available apps for water and wastewater industry professionals (see 10 more apps here). Have you ever used an app at work? Which one? Tell us your experience in the comments.